Farm Cooperative

Founded in 1971 on a farm that dates back to 1834, and proudly looks like it, Lake Village Homestead is dedicated to the preservation of the natural habitat and to sustainable agriculture.
Our extended-family intentional community occupies approximately 300 acres of forest, meadow, wetlands, farmland, and shoreline. They are carefully managed, and are shared by goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, peacocks, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, cattle, people, non-domestic mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.
All animals are free to roam in their pastures. Pigs, goats, and chickens also eat non-GMO grains.
All gardening is done without the use of synthetic-chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.
The land and shoreline are protected from non-farm development through enrollment in various local and state farm and open-space protection programs.
Lake Village Homestead invites people of all ages to experience traditional farm life—milking goats, feeding and watering livestock, grooming horses, collecting eggs, gardening, hunting, fishing, etc.—while at the same time it serves as a working farm.

“B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two served as an impetus for thinking about getting back to the earth, getting back to a home setting where you were closer in touch with your children, you were closer in touch with the earth, you were closer in touch with the food you grew…”
/ Co-founder Roger Ulrich, in the documentary Lake Village, by Ryan Booms